The Best Basic Guidelines and Pool Maintenance Instructions

Regardless of whether you have an inground, aboveground, or inflatable pool, we all know that having one simply rocks. There’s just something about swimming pools which connotes fun as well as certain classiness. Having a pool isn’t all about being popular or lounging about and having fun, as a lot of maintenance and upkeep is also needed if you have one. Say you get your pool or you already have one, what then?

You might be tempted to just leave water there and expect your pool to be alright, but keeping and maintaining a pool requires some hard work and a few necessary tools to facilitate the upkeep. If you follow the basic steps of pool maintenance instructions, maintaining your pool will undoubtedly be an easier task. Basic pool maintenance instructions cover three very important issues: cleanliness, water quality, and general upkeep.

Above Ground Pool Maintenance Instructions

First of all, there’s the issue of hygiene. The cleanliness of a pool is achieved by a weekly clean-up of the whole pool. Many pool cleaning products today claim to be able to ‘self-clean’ your pool, but despite these claims, it’s better if you trust your own brawn to keep your pool in great shape. Lichen, algae, hard-water, and calcification of the pool’s walls and floor are then effectively avoided if the first of three pool maintenance instructions are met.

Secondly, there’s the issue of water quality. If the first of the pool maintenance instructions have been met, then you’ve already cleared one issue which affects water quality. Sanitation via cleaning alone isn’t enough, which is why the addition of certain chemicals are necessary to sanitize your pool effectively. This is where the chemical chlorine comes into play. Pool chlorination is easiest when performed with the use of automated chlorinators, although manual pool chlorination is also viable.

Water is a very touchy issue when it comes to pools since the addition of chlorine for sanitation must be precise. There is a certain Ph level (the level of acidity or alkalinity) which must be met to ensure that pool water is not only sterile but safe to swim in.

When chlorinating a pool manually, testing kits are used to measure the water’s Ph, while automated chlorinators generally maintain a strict 7.2 to 7.6 Ph level at all times. Very high chlorine levels result in pool water which irritates the skin and eyes; too little and you have unsanitary water. During the days of manual pool chlorination, such a balance was hard to maintain much less achieve, but with the latest in technological advancements, that is no longer the case.

Of the three basic pool maintenance instructions, the easiest by far is the last – upkeep. Daily upkeep generally involves the mundane and very simple tasks which help keep a pool clean. Requiring very little manpower, it can be achieved at evening-time or on a set day of the week. Pool maintenance instructions are easy enough to follow; armed with basic tips and guidelines maintaining a pool will be a breeze.